The Art of Chinese Teochew Opera

Go behind-the-scenes of staging Chinese Opera performances and meet third-generation performers from one of the last remaining Teochew Opera & Puppetry troupes in Singapore. These passionate and talented young performers will inspire you with their singing, acting and instrument-playing skills.

Guests get a glimpse of how performers apply their expressive makeup, prepare their unique ‘water curl’ hairdos and wear their costumes. The meanings behind the traditional costumes, headdresses and characters will be revealed; as well as insight into their specific acting skills, use of facial expressions, gestures and postures, fight choreography, singing and speech.

We encourage guests to don an opera costume, perform a skit and learn to play the traditional instruments, under the guidance of the masters of this classic performing art.

Finalist of the 2019 Singapore Tourism Awards for Best Tour Experience!

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